Wild at heart …

There’s a man I just met, with a voice like a storm,

He strums his guitar, where shadows are born,

His eyes hold secrets of the midnight’s embrace,

A wild heart that beats at a restless pace.

He sings the songs of the lost and the free,

With a soul that’s as deep as the endless sea,

In his arms, I find a shelter, a haven so rare,

With a touch, he reminds me of how much I care.

   Oh, wander with me, through the night’s endless dance,

   With your voice and your song, we’ll take every chance,

   Beneath the constellations, where our dreams ignite,

   With you, my wild heart, I’ll embrace the night.

His spirit is a fire, unchained and untamed,

A force of nature, impossible to name,

When he sings, the world fades to a distant hum,

In his presence, I’m lost, I’m found, I’m undone.

His hands play the strings like they’re woven from dreams,

With each note, he unravels my seams,

He’s a wanderer, a poet, with a heart full of scars,

In his eyes, I see galaxies, I see stars.

   Oh, wander with me, through the night’s endless dance,

   With your voice and your song, we’ll take every chance,

   Beneath the constellations, where our dreams ignite,

   With you, my wild heart, I’ll embrace the night.

He’s the whisper of freedom, the call of the wild,

With a spirit unbroken, and a heart so beguiled,

He makes me feel alive, with just one look,

Stolen me away, like a thief to a crook.

So here’s to the man, with a voice like a storm,

In his company, I’m reborn,

With every chord he strikes, I’m enthralled,

In this wild heart serenade, I’ve answered the call.

   Oh, wander with me, through the night’s endless dance,

   With your voice and your song, we’ll take every chance,

   Beneath the constellations, where our dreams ignite,

  With you, my wild heart, I’ll embrace the night.

Yes, with you, my wild heart, I’ll embrace the night.~

A strangers exchange…

Oh many times before

I’ve seen you at the grocery store

Exchanging kind words and phrases

I stutter before your good graces

You seem to keep the pace

While I politely escape with such haste

How is it to be?

You are a mystery to me

That I am not obliged to say

How can I say?

I’m taken while I’ve been whisked away

By this strangers gaze

There’s been some kind of evidence

Of me wrapped up with you

After I ran away leaving a shoe

Distracted by the fact it’s not an act

My smile reveals to you

How is it to be?

You are an awe of mystery

That I’m not allowed to say

How can I say?

I’ve been taken while I can’t be given away

By this strangers gaze

Then one day came

You stopped me while I was off my game

Trying to convey

I fell in love with your display

Of gentle tones and effortless way

With words the little you did say

How can this be?

You will remain be a mystery

I’m not allowed to say

How can I say?

I’ve quite enjoyed our innocent play

So when you see me

Know I’m writing mysteries

Most are afraid to say

I was made this way

To write the ways of carried praise

That’s turned the dark into grey

So thank you from me to you

Inspiring me to write this way

As you go about your day

Pause and think of such youth

Of a mutual admiration displayed

My Muse…

I felt you in the shower today,

The way the water hits your hair and runs down to your precious parts makes my skin crave your works of art

The steam caresses our lips drawing them in for another hint of bliss

Your hands grip my hips touching your fingertips to my parted gifts

Down through the ether you’ve always been within this sinners grin

Always care, always bare,

Reminding me that the love will always be there 🖤♥️

non si possono soffrire…

I’m starting to understand more of you’re ways of love. You once said “our relationship has nothing to do with any other relationships.  All relationships are separate from others creating space ultimately for more love.”

But in all this time of us knowing and loving each other, I had harbored some form of resentment towards you. Maybe even jealousy. Not for loving you, but because it seemed we could never see eye to eye when we tried to put a name to it. And the freeness you exuded while being able to love this way ultimately seemed less potent.

And at times, it felt you never reciprocated the love I was feeling toward you in your inconsistency of affections you showed me. Which isn’t true because we still care for each other after all this time no matter who has come in and out of our lives. Even whenever we touch, it still moves me more than anyone ever has. Therefore time has stood still in this observation of “love” we have for each other. And then it goes away just as fast as it came, and in those whirlwinds brings me an abundance of words and inspirations I could spout to you all day.

For this I owe you an apology. For only seeing my own side, I ruled out the possibilities of yours having any truth to being free in loving others. When all this time I have loved many and not wanted attachment, but simply needed someone to hold space for me and the loss I’ve been processing over the last decade. Not many have be equipped to hold space and not try to “fix” everything, when all I ever wanted was someone to stand beside be while I save myself.

It’s funny, because I have loved more than most, but I have also lost more than most. For this, it created a bit of a hiccup in attachment. Making me feel as if I hold on tighter, it might make a difference. That concept couldn’t be further from the truth. I had to learn to “let go”being forced to let go of people I love. Including you many times. Some being that I can never talk, see or even hug again, much less tell them I love them. When I can still tell you anytime how I feel.

I could never see pass the plank in my own eye and passed judgment towards you for being what seemed careless for women including myself. When really I was lying to myself, until now.

So I apologize to you. And I also thank you. For continuing to love me in the ways you know how to love. For inspiring me in so many ways, that I am able to convey in words to you how much I really do love you and never want to change you. And for never wanting to cage me, but to run free as we did as when we were kids.

I’ll always challenge you in your wicked ways, but I will make more of an effort to see it not from my own understanding, but remain neutral in the truth of it all. ♥️

The Catalyst…

Many times I’ve found myself sitting with pen in hand ready to confess the lost time in between the years of our departed whirlwind. Then reality always sets in that we really don’t know each other anymore and again, I rest my case.

But that couldn’t seem further from the truth in another sense, another dimension. In the ether, you are ever present. It wax and wanes like the moon bringing waves of inspiration, evidence of you appears out of no where.

The radio plays a familiar tune that reminds me of you. An imposter in the crowd that makes me turn around and wish I could see your face somehow.

You see, when we met it struck me to my core that has resonated with me till this present day. A face that stopped me in my tracks with a familiarity that hit close to home.

What it brought was awareness leading to awakening which lead me to flee to a spiritual journey within myself in finding my own truth. Breaking myself like ocean upon the rocks moving and creating beautiful mountains and disasters to rebuild from.

I do not regret anything, nor am I perfect, but I’m living life in gratitude for the lessons that have shaped me into the woman I’ve become. Life is an adventure and one of the most important things for me is to be honest and honor what is true as the words come out with a message of love.

To get to it, THANK YOU. For having such an impact on me even if it did not last in the physical realm, you became apart of my energy field and I can still feel you miles away. I have dreamt of you over the years and it’s as if we picked up right where we left off. Catching up about our twists and turns down the road we’ve encountered and also of the love and loss we’ve each experienced.

Maybe things could have been different, if we had our chance to actually be. But when we parted it was so abrupt I wasn’t mature enough to see passed my own ego, I was angry at you, upset that you dropped me like a dime, and our words went to war not having any awareness for what was really happening inside each of us.

Waves of inspiration surge through me straight through to my fingertips and out come vulnerable confessions..

To this day, you are still one of my greatest inspirations.. Over the years you have brought me to a state of a’muse’ment to which both love and passion have moved through me and continue to do so. The words come freely and with it a plethora of poetic entries, induced by the kiss of a catalyst. Always remaining the one that ignited the spark in my heart, the yearning in my soul and my light in the darkness.


Affections are displayed with a familiar face.  The chemistry between the species brings me to another state of emergency.  

His skin, his touch, the embrace, taste remove my clothes with haste. 
Pheromones seep through to the sheets that cradle the heated taken place

A history of enlightened grace that is apart of my very soul
I have no control of what is meant to be…

Simply I let it be told

By our bodies that speak in code

Ignoring the fact that you were meant for me and I was meant for you 

The charade continues until the end of our days

And we’ve run out of substations 

That lead me back to you 💙


A sudden urge of rapture seeps out from my veins

Prompting me to undress your beautiful form

Uncovering each layer to discover

Every inch has me left to wonder

Rushing from my finger tips to your skin

Lying still with no covers I’m engaged and dig in

Your hands running through my hair

The heat permeating the air

Piece by piece the clothing falls

I’m here to take down all the walls

The scent of smoke bleeds from your neck as my teeth sink into entrap

Your grip sends me a jolt of progression

Hungry, smitten for lust and affection

Our gaze is locked as my back is cocked

Arching to the crescendo don’t stop

Venire in senso..

The day is clouded, creating illusion

While the moon stirs yet remains undiluted

Revving up the energies of the convoluted

Exposing the transmutation taking place

Timelines collapsing falling with grace

Familiarizing us with our own true face

The macrocosm orchestrates and aligns

While my own version of the divine

Finds its way into my higher mind

Igniting my heart, withdrawing the blinds

That have kept me confused and confined

Allowing in the sun, for my will to come undone

And my soul sings it’s resonance with love♥️♾

spiorad bambú

Listening, letting; allowing the spirit to flow

Grounded, guided; growing the roots deep

Singing, swaying; softly humming the beat

Winter, spring, summer, fall; remain through it all

Held, hollowed; call in the divine to honor the shadow

Intend, imagine; all the gifts brought down from heaven

Gift, grace; I honor you forever in this place

Strength, success; to remain no matter the test

Peace, pleasure; fulfilled always be my cosmic treasure

Received, released; letting it all in to give it back again

Ojo Caliente…

The southwest winds are calling me, luring me to the high desert. Where the sun is strong and the fire burns. Bringing with the abundance of water, life and light; shinning through to the red glowing hues. Reflecting my desolate landscape, ready to become bursting with life.

I release the dam, hold strong to my stance, and watch it all wash away in a glance.