What once was..

In the golden embrace of bygone days, where the chill of winter brought nostalgic whispers of a time when life seemed adorned with an ethereal warmth, people reveled in the tranquil beauty of a world steeped in grace and genteel elegance.

Oh, how those wintry days cast a soft, enchanting glow upon the landscape, evoking memories of an era when the sun danced upon the horizon, illuminating not just the skies but also the hearts of those who walked beneath it. Families gathered in homes adorned with hearths that crackled with stories and laughter, each ember glowing with the warmth of unconditional love and cherished bonds.

During those cherished moments, sorrows were but fleeting visitors, hardly daring to touch the hearts of the blessed. There was a serene abundance that filled both stomachs and souls, where the only hunger was for the tender embrace of affection, freely given and graciously received.

In that luminous tapestry of life, time unfurled itself like a leisurely stroll through a garden of contentment. Each passing moment was savored, relished, and embroidered with the threads of joy, bonding souls together in a symphony of shared experiences.

Yet, as life’s inevitable march carried on, time slipped through the fingers like grains of sand, ushering in an era where the echo of those gentle days grew fainter. The relentless march of progress brought forth a world that was vibrant yet different, one where the pace quickened, and the tenderness of erstwhile days seemed like a distant echo.

In the wistful gaze cast back upon that genteel time, the heart longs for the warmth of yesteryears, yearns for the simplicity and the tender embraces that painted life’s canvas in hues of unwavering bliss. Memories become treasures, distant yet cherished, carrying within them the essence of an era that whispered of a more gracious and compassionate world.

So, as the snowflakes dance in the winter sky, casting a veil of nostalgia upon the world, the yearning for those departed days lingers in the collective soul—a longing for a time when life was slower, emotions were deeper, and the holidays were imbued with a magic that painted the world in the hues of cherished memories.


Amongst the trees…

Oh the darkness of the season arrives.

The fires ignite, the lights turn on

And the sun says goodnight like an early bird.

I am left then to my own devices, the wheels turning and tending the fire.

Ideas flare, imagination runs wild and sometimes turns into a brush fire.

Testing my Will.. if I have the strength to endure starting over and over again.

Do I have enough to begin again and start from scratch?

Can I begin to realize I create my own reality based on my past experiences; not leaving much room for the new seeds to take root.

Begin to realize I can get off the hamster wheel

And write a new story. Write a new pathway from the wild undefined parts of my soul that I used to explore as a little girl.

Going off trail to discover new meadows and new birds and trees I have never seen.

Even though I may not know they are indeed there; they are waiting to be discovered while I expend less effort and breathe in more air. ~



Oh the spurn of one’s rejection.. We make art from it and hang it on our walls to remind us of each others woes. How the dance of jumping from one side of the fence of “love” can sway us away from ourselves so quickly.

How the light dances beautifully on one’s face while we are imagining all the possibilities before us. The waltz we find ourselves in; a graceful and timeless dance, is a captivating duet between two souls. It is a dance of elegance, romance, and connection that transcends worlds. As the music begins to play, the dancers step onto the floor, their eyes locked in an unspoken agreement.

Instantly we give our power away while being swept away to the land of dreams.

Nothing is really as it seems. We drop from the clouds high, the music ends, people go home and go back to their daily lives on the grid.

Only a moment we seem to capture glimpse of what we perceive as heaven.

Then our pasts become illuminated through a familiar scenario and we are back right where we were during the storm. Our hearts race, it’s written all over our face and we’ve dropped out if the race.

Fear of the same dread that keeps us locked in our waiting bins of desire. “Someday I’ll find the one, I’ve just got to.”

The denial continues and we build a bridge to nowhere and a past that will never be.

Living in memories of how it used to be feeling so loved and free.

Forgetting our own heart beats with love’s frequency and fragmenting until they’re no sign of decency.

As the rejection spread, I am left with the ash from the fire after it burned my entire being down.

Now from the ground and all that’s left is the core; I can see how much I am adored by something greater that can never abandon me and again I am born.~



Soft gentle rain through the trees,
The fire blazing, raising heat from all the steam.
Honey doused tea you made me lingers on my fingertips licking them clean.
Your tender strum dances around us like fireflies on a summers night.
Humming me into a dream of curiosity.
My supple skin craves your hands to wash away the pain, as if I’ve never had any to gain.
Your eyes stay on mine the whole time as the fire burns reflecting the divine.
Deep breathes seen in the air as the cold creeps through, intertwines me to you.
Grab me a towel, rub me down and I’ll climb on top of you.~

New moon in Taurus🌙

The new moon arrives on May 19th at 28 degrees of Taurus and with it brings a renewal in matters of the heart.

A beautiful healing is starting to take place after an intense eclipse season we just had and this new moon is all about new beginnings and planning new ideas that bring you a great deal of happiness, growth and prosperity. Taurus is star of the show and an Earth sign ruled by Venus; the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure and nature.

We have a record breaking amount of planets in the sign of Taurus: The Sun, Moon, Uranus, Mercury, North node and now Jupiter joining the stellium. This concentration of energy promotes exponential growth at this time. Friendships, relationships, career, finances, a sense of knowing you are heading in the right direction will all begin to benefit from this wave of fresh energy in everything that represent things of a Venusian nature.

Life is booming right now; get your hands into the dirt and absorb some of those ions Mother Earth nourishes us with. 

Mars is currently in a conversation of tension with Pluto with them being in opposition with each other. Suggesting there may be a bit of tension in conversations with others or even power struggles. It’s a good time to choose your battles and don’t draw your sword too quickly before you have all the information. Quick bursts of energy will be plentiful and necessary to have a healthy place to get it out. It’s a great time for beautiful hikes where you can appreciate raw beauty and get your body moving while immersing into nature.

All in all it’s a magnification of manifestation time so get those ideas into the ground and take time to nurture them into reality.✨

Full moon eclipse in Scorpio…

The full moon eclipse arrives on May 5th at 14 degrees of Scorpio and with it brings the sense of the future is in our own hands.

This full lunar eclipse will bring about profound changes in our lives and will help us to uncover hidden truths and reveal deep-seated emotional patterns. Scorpio rules the underworld so be ready to examine all sides of the story. 

From an astrological perspective, the full moon eclipse in Scorpio is a time of intense emotions, passion, and transformation. Eclipses help to move the energy along and create space for great change. Scorpio is a water sign that is associated with intensity, depth, and mystery, and this eclipse is likely to bring these qualities to the forefront of our lives. 

This eclipse is also likely to have a strong impact on our relationships, particularly those that are intimate and intense. Scorpio is associated with sexuality, intimacy, and transformation, and this eclipse may bring about powerful shifts in our romantic relationships. It may also bring up deep-seated emotions and issues that we need to confront in order to move forward in our relationships.

It is a time of intense emotional energy and transformation. This eclipse is an opportunity for us to delve deep within ourselves, confront our fears and desires, and transform ourselves from the inside out. It is a time of powerful change and growth, and one that we should embrace with open hearts and minds. 

An opportunity to allow yourself the permission to be or choose your greatest desire. After all, what would life be without our desires?

Good morning Good Friday…

The Sun rises knowing it will never be the same. Never see the light of day dance upon the hills in such a way it instills a promise of a new way.

Rise Dear ones as if you will never be the same yet always remain indefinite of the love that’s claimed.

Golden mornings…

What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

The sun fills my room with a golden bloom to meet my eyes from the darkness rise they open to the days gifted surprise and thoughts of you…❣️

The Kur…

Shadows hover just to the right of my clavicle

Down my ribs under my breast that craves exhalation.

A meadow winds down stream towards a vast sea

Filled with treasury.

Guarded by the lock of trust, safety, pleasure.

Ignition fires and She from the deep rises.

Through the gates of volley, removes any jester that poses without purpose. 

They fall prey to the cronies that escape the grey,

Withered and wandering down their own rabbit holes.

Redemption is just fingertips away with an exchange of grace; decayed. 

The heat and dust fill your robotic lungs

Adjusting to the absence of light.

Surrounding a cache of luce coming from your eyes; beaming out way through the tunnel of dark delights.

Made bare…

Don’t move. The slow deep breaths expand the room and your hands are busy growing in bloom.

A rose described heavy chest provides provocative shadows dance as they freely rest. 

The curve of my breast draws you in as you draw their likeness. 

Rising the power in you. 

Black velvet presses between my toes as the leather hugs my pussy; so here we go. 

Into the noir arrives just in time for slow, deep, breaths.

Don’t. Move. 

The sound of led meeting the scroll

Sings my rib-caged heart to rest.

The blood in my hands and feet leave the scene

As if they rearrange my veins within the deep.

Feeling your way through the veil as my body has passed beyond the layers of this realm.

Hovering in darkness where life forms 

As you wish it; watch it conform.

The shades of grey intimately portray 

A vast sea of curves on a maiden’s decollate.

As pheromones filled the room my body came unglued. 

Emerged from the cocoon 

Left with a hint of salt, blood and the scent of you.