Wild at heart …

There’s a man I just met, with a voice like a storm,

He strums his guitar, where shadows are born,

His eyes hold secrets of the midnight’s embrace,

A wild heart that beats at a restless pace.

He sings the songs of the lost and the free,

With a soul that’s as deep as the endless sea,

In his arms, I find a shelter, a haven so rare,

With a touch, he reminds me of how much I care.

   Oh, wander with me, through the night’s endless dance,

   With your voice and your song, we’ll take every chance,

   Beneath the constellations, where our dreams ignite,

   With you, my wild heart, I’ll embrace the night.

His spirit is a fire, unchained and untamed,

A force of nature, impossible to name,

When he sings, the world fades to a distant hum,

In his presence, I’m lost, I’m found, I’m undone.

His hands play the strings like they’re woven from dreams,

With each note, he unravels my seams,

He’s a wanderer, a poet, with a heart full of scars,

In his eyes, I see galaxies, I see stars.

   Oh, wander with me, through the night’s endless dance,

   With your voice and your song, we’ll take every chance,

   Beneath the constellations, where our dreams ignite,

   With you, my wild heart, I’ll embrace the night.

He’s the whisper of freedom, the call of the wild,

With a spirit unbroken, and a heart so beguiled,

He makes me feel alive, with just one look,

Stolen me away, like a thief to a crook.

So here’s to the man, with a voice like a storm,

In his company, I’m reborn,

With every chord he strikes, I’m enthralled,

In this wild heart serenade, I’ve answered the call.

   Oh, wander with me, through the night’s endless dance,

   With your voice and your song, we’ll take every chance,

   Beneath the constellations, where our dreams ignite,

  With you, my wild heart, I’ll embrace the night.

Yes, with you, my wild heart, I’ll embrace the night.~

What once was..

In the golden embrace of bygone days, where the chill of winter brought nostalgic whispers of a time when life seemed adorned with an ethereal warmth, people reveled in the tranquil beauty of a world steeped in grace and genteel elegance.

Oh, how those wintry days cast a soft, enchanting glow upon the landscape, evoking memories of an era when the sun danced upon the horizon, illuminating not just the skies but also the hearts of those who walked beneath it. Families gathered in homes adorned with hearths that crackled with stories and laughter, each ember glowing with the warmth of unconditional love and cherished bonds.

During those cherished moments, sorrows were but fleeting visitors, hardly daring to touch the hearts of the blessed. There was a serene abundance that filled both stomachs and souls, where the only hunger was for the tender embrace of affection, freely given and graciously received.

In that luminous tapestry of life, time unfurled itself like a leisurely stroll through a garden of contentment. Each passing moment was savored, relished, and embroidered with the threads of joy, bonding souls together in a symphony of shared experiences.

Yet, as life’s inevitable march carried on, time slipped through the fingers like grains of sand, ushering in an era where the echo of those gentle days grew fainter. The relentless march of progress brought forth a world that was vibrant yet different, one where the pace quickened, and the tenderness of erstwhile days seemed like a distant echo.

In the wistful gaze cast back upon that genteel time, the heart longs for the warmth of yesteryears, yearns for the simplicity and the tender embraces that painted life’s canvas in hues of unwavering bliss. Memories become treasures, distant yet cherished, carrying within them the essence of an era that whispered of a more gracious and compassionate world.

So, as the snowflakes dance in the winter sky, casting a veil of nostalgia upon the world, the yearning for those departed days lingers in the collective soul—a longing for a time when life was slower, emotions were deeper, and the holidays were imbued with a magic that painted the world in the hues of cherished memories.


Amongst the trees…

Oh the darkness of the season arrives.

The fires ignite, the lights turn on

And the sun says goodnight like an early bird.

I am left then to my own devices, the wheels turning and tending the fire.

Ideas flare, imagination runs wild and sometimes turns into a brush fire.

Testing my Will.. if I have the strength to endure starting over and over again.

Do I have enough to begin again and start from scratch?

Can I begin to realize I create my own reality based on my past experiences; not leaving much room for the new seeds to take root.

Begin to realize I can get off the hamster wheel

And write a new story. Write a new pathway from the wild undefined parts of my soul that I used to explore as a little girl.

Going off trail to discover new meadows and new birds and trees I have never seen.

Even though I may not know they are indeed there; they are waiting to be discovered while I expend less effort and breathe in more air. ~



Oh the spurn of one’s rejection.. We make art from it and hang it on our walls to remind us of each others woes. How the dance of jumping from one side of the fence of “love” can sway us away from ourselves so quickly.

How the light dances beautifully on one’s face while we are imagining all the possibilities before us. The waltz we find ourselves in; a graceful and timeless dance, is a captivating duet between two souls. It is a dance of elegance, romance, and connection that transcends worlds. As the music begins to play, the dancers step onto the floor, their eyes locked in an unspoken agreement.

Instantly we give our power away while being swept away to the land of dreams.

Nothing is really as it seems. We drop from the clouds high, the music ends, people go home and go back to their daily lives on the grid.

Only a moment we seem to capture glimpse of what we perceive as heaven.

Then our pasts become illuminated through a familiar scenario and we are back right where we were during the storm. Our hearts race, it’s written all over our face and we’ve dropped out if the race.

Fear of the same dread that keeps us locked in our waiting bins of desire. “Someday I’ll find the one, I’ve just got to.”

The denial continues and we build a bridge to nowhere and a past that will never be.

Living in memories of how it used to be feeling so loved and free.

Forgetting our own heart beats with love’s frequency and fragmenting until they’re no sign of decency.

As the rejection spread, I am left with the ash from the fire after it burned my entire being down.

Now from the ground and all that’s left is the core; I can see how much I am adored by something greater that can never abandon me and again I am born.~


Remain nameless…

There you sit across from me

Sharing things that no one sees

Inducing abrupt biology

Crippling the thought of a tangled dream

We’ve been here before

Sharing with clothes on the floor

Though this conclave has no name

I still remain the same

We can call it what we want

You can call me anything you want

Anytime you want

I’m the one that brings the haunt

Everyone ends up letting you down

In that bubble of a town

What a difference of consorts come around

Just tell me what you’re running from

Though I’ll do the same

I will live without shame

But what’s in a name

When I still remain the same

Call me when you need me

We’ll leave this world gracefully

Un sounvenir…

These hot days make me crave every inch of you 
The way your breathe escapes into my own inhale 

Fills my lungs with the scent of your musk

Lures me to rapture till I find bear skin 

Ignites a fire so deep within, it’s warmth is seen through my skin


Affections are displayed with a familiar face.  The chemistry between the species brings me to another state of emergency.  

His skin, his touch, the embrace, taste remove my clothes with haste. 
Pheromones seep through to the sheets that cradle the heated taken place

A history of enlightened grace that is apart of my very soul
I have no control of what is meant to be…

Simply I let it be told

By our bodies that speak in code

Ignoring the fact that you were meant for me and I was meant for you 

The charade continues until the end of our days

And we’ve run out of substations 

That lead me back to you 💙


A sudden urge of rapture seeps out from my veins

Prompting me to undress your beautiful form

Uncovering each layer to discover

Every inch has me left to wonder

Rushing from my finger tips to your skin

Lying still with no covers I’m engaged and dig in

Your hands running through my hair

The heat permeating the air

Piece by piece the clothing falls

I’m here to take down all the walls

The scent of smoke bleeds from your neck as my teeth sink into entrap

Your grip sends me a jolt of progression

Hungry, smitten for lust and affection

Our gaze is locked as my back is cocked

Arching to the crescendo don’t stop

La douleur exquise…

A wondering day a shore osprey

Gliding on the airy waves

And Every day and every hour

Closer I get to finding my power

Your trembled kiss, my lips have wished

To collide against your risen bliss

Colors of grief, you did not speak

Much of the times it hit it’s peak

My mournful heart, is torn apart

Thinking of you and all your art

You’ve grounded down

Hidden your frown

Only to turn it upside down

Synchronicity has come

My will is undone

Fate will win it’s never outrun


What is choice?

What does it mean to have choice?

Everyday we choose to wake up at this time, we chose to have stayed up all night making it difficult to choose waking up for our day to day choices.

We don’t get to choose what gets handed to us, but how we respond to it is an art we must get good at. It’s alchemy really, each of us different but with beating hearts and the will to be loved makes us cut from the same cloth.

How do we choose love for ourselves? What does that look like? Is it dependable on someone’s else’s actions or is it our own job to be enough?

Our relationship with our parents shape the things to come and how we will identify love.

Some are content and happy with healthy parents that instilled love throughout their very essence. Some had it torn from them at an early age, abandoned them to the point of only how to survive clouds their daily view. It’s all many shades of grey that keep us on a merry go round of disfunction to the point of not recognizing a healthy true love if it bit us in the ass.

It’s too easy, it’s not a stomach flip, it’s not earth shaking enough to keep me interested.

What it is, consistency. Security.. certainty.

Are you able to recognize it? Even when it’s putty in your hands, surrounding your entire world and even though your mind escaped through a side door somehow yet it still remains. There you are Wandering around looking for that core shaker that is equally yoked with your past earthquakes.

Is it possible to have the best of both worlds? That the cup can runneth over seeping into your heart and bringing together the missing pieces. That it can still stoke your fire, get you in an uproar yet calm your waters till the morning sun rises and it’s a new day.

Everyday I pray and say “I am enough, you are enough, we all are enough to save ourselves and at the same time save each other, if we can get out of our own way, it just may happen today.”